Save over $17K per year with smarter prep and purchasing through BytePrep

We've created a Digital Kitchen Manager that leverages your usage data and takes advantage of down time to improve your kitchen ops
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Why BytePrep?
Today's kitchen environment is much different than it used to be. Third-party orders trickle in throughout the day, catering is becoming more and more important, and self-serve kiosks are often times the only thing between the kitchen and the customer.

This means kitchens need to have every menu item ready to sell at all times throughout the day. The moments for "prep time" is now anytime without an order on the screen.

BytePrep provides an accurate prep list, regardless of who's in the kitchen, and easy to follow recipes that print food safety compliant washable labels upon completion.
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Centralized recipe management to provide the one source of truth for product quality
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Simple order guides that streamline vendor purchasing
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Digital prep lists created in half the time and more accurate vs. paper prep lists
40% faster and 90% more accurate prep list
Digital prep lists remove intuition and the need to hand-write prep lists.
50% reduction in food waste
Input yields and pars for recipes to ensure the team always preps the right amount based on what's on-hand. Recipes scale up and down to ensure consistency and reduce prep errors resulting in waste.
Train employees in half the time
Touchscreen prep list with recipes, Spanish translations, images, and instructions empowers new hires to contribute faster.
86ed items can result in as much as $97K in lost revenue
Accurate prep lists remove the need for last minute prepping and 86'ed items, keeping customers happy and sales as high as possible.
Better trained teams executing perfect preplists
In a busy kitchen, it's too easy for someone to prep something incorrectly. Forgetting if the salt is in ounces or tablespoons, prepping too much and serving something past its shelf life, or forgetting to prep something entirely. We've seen it all.

In a world with so many options, one bad experience can lose you a customer forever.

BytePrep keeps all your recipes available at an employee's fingertips, shows images of how you want prep to look, automatically scales recipes up and down, and prints washable labels so your team knows who made what and what to use first.  
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Enter what's on hand and generate a prep list backed by data instead of intuition
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Ingredients and instructions translated into Spanish
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Track who made what for re-training or praise